October 09, 2014

Parachute Loom

Description: A bracelet maker
Main Pitch: "The new bracelet design station for weaving colorful creations"
Main Offer: $19.99 for loom, 5 cords & clips, how-to guide
Bonus: 5 camouflage cords & clips (free)
Marketer: IdeaVillage
Producer: As Seen on Productions
Website: www.ParachuteLoom.com
Prediction: Unlikely to succeed

This is a follow-up to IdeaVillage's Fun Loom and another attempt to apply the 'pro' line-extension strategy for which this marketer is famous.

Can the Rainbow Loom craze have a second act? And can a follower item be the one to initiate and capitalize on it? It's possible, but unlikely. Crazes do not often line extend, and these bands have all the markings of a craze rather than a category.

[Spot is also available here.]