April 03, 2013


Description: A kitchen slicer
Main Pitch: "Chop, cube, mince, slice and dice in just seconds"
Main Offer: $19.95 for one with 3 blades
Bonus: 2nd complete set (just pay P&H)
Starring: The ubiquitous Marc Gill
Marketer: Allstar
Producer: The Schwartz Group
Website: www.GetChopTastic.com
Prediction: Likely to succeed

This project has everything going for it: A great product, a great pitchman and a producer with a long track record of success in the category (I don't call them the 'undisputed champions of Food DR' for nuthin'!).

My only hesitation is the market's reaction to another kitchen slicer recently tested by this marketer: Pump 'N Chop. Granted the pitchperson and production team (especially that writer/creative director guy) weren't nearly as awesome as the heavy-hitters coming together here -- but I was surprised by just how loud the crickets seemed to be. Perhaps the timing isn't right for yet another slicer/dicer to take off? Or perhaps we just got it wrong.

If it's the latter, I think I will blame the product. In any case, the safe bet here is to predict success, so that's what I am doing.