October 14, 2010

Review: Tush Turner

Description: A swiveling seat cushion
Main Pitch: "Makes getting in & out of any car easy and pain free"
Main Offer: 2 pay of $10 for two cushions
Bonus: Windshield Wonder (just pay separate S&H)
Marketer: Telebrands
Website: www.TushTurner.com
Prediction: Unlikely to succeed

This item has been around for a while, and it has been tested in many different ways. I don't think anyone has ever tried this exact approach, but I doubt a clever name and a clever offer is going to be enough to turn a past failure into a winner.

The main problem for DRTV is it's really a "seniors only" product. While seniors represent a significant percentage of DRTV buyers, that percentage isn't big enough to sustain a rollout campaign on its own.

That said, I've always liked this item, and I think it could definitely find a home at retail, especially at drug chains. If that's the strategy, I predict success.