October 16, 2009

Weekly Round-Up

Reusable shopping bags
Main Pitch: "The only grocery bag that clips to your cart and holds your groceries just like a box"
Main Offer: $9.99 for one
Bonus: An insulated U-Go Bag FREE (just pay separate S&H)
Starring: Anthony Sullivan
Marketer: IdeaVillage
Producer: Sulllivan Productions
Website: www.GetUGoBags.com
NEW! S7 Score: 6 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Uncrowded (?)
Comments: The only problem I see with this campaign is that reusable grocery bags are abundant for cheap prices. This bag is bigger and different than the other ones on the market, but I'm not sure if that will be enough.

A pouch for hiding essentials in a bra
Main Pitch: "The pocket you hide that keeps everything inside"
Main Offer: $19.95 for three (nude, black and white) plus a smudge sponge
Bonus: Triple the offer FREE
Marketer: Allstar
Website: www.GetSecretKeeper.com
NEW! S7 Score: 5 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Needed, Motivating (?)
I like that this is an attention-getting product, and I absolutely love the fun attitude of the commercial and its spokeswoman. If only those two things were enough to sell a product that doesn't solve a real problem. Meanwhile, the offer presents a Catch-22 dilemma. It's big enough (by the end) for a $19.95 price point, but I'm not sure why any woman would need nine of these. But offering fewer for less would make the DRTV economics unworkable.

Description: A home haircutting device
Main Pitch: "The foolproof home styling system that allows anyone to give professional haircuts for FREE"
Main Offer: 30-day trial for $14.95 S&H, then two pay of $29.95
Bonus: Instruction manual and style guide
Marketer: TV Goods
Website: www.AirCutter.com
NEW! S7 Score: 4 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Uncrowded, Engaging, Motivating (?)
Considering that it's a modern Flowbee, I was impressed with the design and presentation of this product. The only drawback: You can no longer see the hair being sucked in, so it's less interesting to watch in action. Of course, the bigger problem this product faces is a category crowded with low-cost solutions. Working on Just-A-Trim years ago taught me just how hard it can be to take on the likes of Wahl and Remington -- and that product was $10 on the shelf.

Description: A solution that extends the life of razor blades
Main Pitch: "Guaranteed to make your blades last up to 10 times longer and give you a smoother shave"
Main Offer: $10 for a bottle of solution, six activation tablets and the cleaning chamber
Bonus: Double the offer (just pay additional S&H)
Marketer: Ontel
Website: www.BuyRazorSmooth.com
NEW! S7 Score: 4 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Needed, Motivating, Clear (?)
Comments: I've liked this idea for years, but it hasn't caught on. One possible reason: Although razor blades keep getting more expensive, they're still cheap enough that the cost savings isn't compelling. As for the commercial, there are a few problems with the offer that will make success harder. One, it includes a bulky razor holder. Two, there are two things that will need to be replenished: the solution and and tablets. Also, the commercial doesn't do a great job of explaining why the solution works, and there is no rationale presented for the tablets.

Metal hooks for hanging up garage clutter
Main Pitch: "Turn(s) empty space into valuable storage space -- just grip it and clip it"
Main Offer: $19.95 for four, plus two shelf grips
Bonus: Second set free (just pay separate P&H) plus Simoniz Turbo Vac (just pay separate P&H)
Starring: Joe Fowler
Marketer: Simoniz
Website: www.BuyGatorGrips.com
NEW! S7 Score: 3 out of 7
Missing Qualities: Needed, Different, Uncrowded, Engaging (?)
Garage clutter is one of those problems people don't really want to solve because it requires commitment and hard work. On the occasions they do knuckle down, there are all kinds of other solutions on the market. This product is different, but it may actually be inferior to what's already out there. As for the commercial, although Joe is compelling, metal hooks are not. There is little magic in these demos because the product is just too mundane.

Prepared by Lynda J. Moore.