November 10, 2008

New This Week: Strap Perfect ... and that's all!

A quick update this week because there is only one item worth writing about!

STRAP PERFECT ($19.99) is a clip for concealing bra straps. The pitch: "Just place, slide and your bra straps instantly hide." The secondary claim: It redistributes weight and guides shoulders back so women will "look at least one cup size bigger." The offer is for three clear clips. Then they triple the offer and add three nude clips and three black clips. The bonus is a box of 48 strips of Invisible Style clothing tape. This is a Media Enterprises product pitched by Taylor Baldwin.

Product (D7) Score: 6 out of 7*
Commercial Rating: Good**
This is a simple yet clever product backed by a solid commercial that covers most of the DRTV fundamentals. The product's only weakness: It's ultimately a piece of plastic, which gives it a low value perception. However, the triple offer helps overcome that weakness. As for the commercial, my only criticism is that the opening could have been stronger. Sarcasm is lost on most people. It's always better to be direct.

Source: "Vol. XVIII, No. 3-B for 11/7/08,” Jordan Whitney

* See my July 24, 2007 post for a complete explanation of the D7 product score.
** See my October 22, 2007 post for a complete explanation of my commercial rating system.